#1222 Super Troopers 2

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Kasi Mir
mySneak.de Team
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#1222 Super Troopers 2

Beitrag von Kasi Mir »

Two sequels in a row! "Super Troopers" (Sneak #0408 in the summer of 2002) was a surprise audience favorite at the 2001 Sundance film festival which secured a wide release for the film by Broken Lizard, a college comedy troupe which formed ten years earlier and had performed as stand-up comedians for years in New York State. After making a few short films for Comedy Central and a low budget film (which only got released after "Super Troopers"), they got the attention of none other than Harvey Weinstein, then at Miramax. They backed the production for "Super Troopers" which still had an incredibly low budget of only 1.5 Mio. Dollars. It eventually made $23 Mio. at the box office, and naturally, a sequel was considered. The Broken Lizards first wanted to try other things, though, and after a few not-so-succesful comedies, the studios weren't that interested anymore. The scripts for "Super Troopers 2" was completed almost six years ago, but Broken Lizard had trouble finding a studio with confidence in the material. It actually took a crowdfunding campaign taking in more than 4 Mio. Dollars to convince 20th Century Fox to greenlight the sequel, which brought back all the principals of the first movie, including Brian Cox as the police chief, and added a few name actors to the proceedings. The trailer for that looks like this:

I noticed a few of you walked out of the movie - what turned you off? And how did the remaining sneakers like the movie? What did you think about the story, insofar as there was one, and about the gags, which of course is the most important part in a sketch comedy like this? Write your thoughts about "Super Troopers 2" into a reply to this post - il est possible repondre en Francais aussi. 8-)
"Sometimes, you can still catch me dancing in it."
"My mind has an endless capacity for useless information."
Master of Ceremonies
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Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
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Re: #1222 Super Troopers 2

Beitrag von Roughale »

Mein Kommentar als der Trailer zu Teil 1 lief: "Au weia, Police Academy für Hirnamputierte!" - was war dann die Fortsetzung? Ich führe Schulnote 7 hierfür ein!
Peace, Roughale (aka Roughoul or AROHYOUGEEAGEAYELEE)
mySneak Aficionado
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Registriert: 2006-09-14 10:06
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Re: #1222 Super Troopers 2

Beitrag von Macao »

Zu Recht ein Kandidat für den schlechtesten Film des Jahres.
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Then I realized who was telling me this. -- Emo Phillips