#1349 The Card Counter

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Kasi Mir
mySneak.de Team
Beiträge: 1460
Registriert: 2002-10-06 15:10
Wohnort: Hamburg

#1349 The Card Counter

Beitrag von Kasi Mir »

Paul Schrader has directed films for more than 40 years now, even some notable ones such as "American Gigolo", or more recently "First Reformed" - but he is most famous for his screenplays, especially his frequent works for director Michael Scorsese, e.g. "Taxi Driver", "Raging Bull", or "The Last Temptation of Christ". It was as a writer as well that Mr. Schrader previously appeared in our Sneak - with Harold Becker's #0075 "City Hall" in 1996 and with (again) Scorsese's "Bringing Out the Dead" in 2000. This time he directed his own original screenplay in "The Card Counter", where an ex-con and former army man goes from casino to casino and wins small time in Black Jack, as can be seen in the trailer:

An how did you like the film which recounts its story considerably slower than the trailer suggests? How did you like Oscar Isaac as titular card counter William Tell, plus Tye Sheridan ("Ready Player One") as his protegé Cirk (a role originally written for Shia LaBoeuf who dropped out due to scheduling conflicts), and Tiffany Haddish as "stable" manager La Linda? How about the very old school camera work and editing? Please let us know what you thought about the film in a reply to this post.
"Sometimes, you can still catch me dancing in it."
"My mind has an endless capacity for useless information."
Master of Ceremonies
Beiträge: 2311
Registriert: 2002-10-07 15:51
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: #1349 The Card Counter

Beitrag von Roughale »

Vorweg: Mein Film war das nicht. Schöne Bilder und gutes Schauspiel aber dafür eine sehr dünne Story, die unnötig in die Länge gezogen wurde. 4.
Peace, Roughale (aka Roughoul or AROHYOUGEEAGEAYELEE)